Enderby Associates Psychotherapy & Counselling in Edinburgh

Enderby Associates Therapists are: Ray Little and Jane Read

Ray Little,
Psychotherapist, Supervisor & Trainer

Qualifications & Registrations: Cert.YCW, Dip. Counselling, Certified Transactional Analyst,
Cert. Psychodynamic Supervision.
Registered with the UK Council for Psychotherapy as a Psychotherapist and Supervisor.

Ray is a trained and qualified practitioner with over forty years professional experience. He originally trained as a clinical transactional analyst (TA) and has since undertaken further in-depth study and training in psychodynamic approaches to therapy and supervision. His current approach consists of a combination of relational transactional analysis and psychodynamic theory. He works as a psychotherapist and as a supervisor and trainer. Ray is a member of the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA), Metanoia Institute, London and is a UKCP registered psychotherapist and supervisor. He abides by their codes of ethics and practice. He is also a founding member of the International Association for Relational Transactional Analysis (IARTA).

Ray is a visiting tutor at several institutes in Europe, including Institute of Psychotherapy Ljubljana, Slovenia; Metanoia Institute, London; Alcea Psychotherapy Madrid and Galena Institute, Madrid, Spain; and Ecole d'Analyse Transactionnelle-Lyon, France.

In 2019 Ray was presented with the Eric Berne Memorial Award (EBMA) "in recognition of an original and highly significant theoretical and practical contribution made to the field of transactional analysis" (ITAA). This award was made specifically in recognition of three articles, these are listed below as 'EBMA Article'.

Articles and Book Chapters

*The Shame Loop, (1996), Institute of Transactional Analysis News, No. 45.
*The Shame Loop: A Method for Working with Couples, (1999), Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 29, No. 2.
*Schizoid Processes: Working with the Defences of the Withdrawn Child Ego State, (2001), Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 31, No1.
*Ego State Relational Units and Resistance to Change: An Integration of TA & Object Relations (2004), Transactions: The Journal of the Institute of Transactional Analysis, Vol. 1.
*Relational Transactional Analysis: The Therapists' Stance, (2005), CPTI, Newsletter, No. 12, March 2005.
*Integrating Psychoanalytic Understandings in the Deconfusion of Primitive Child Ego States, (2005), Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 35, No 2.
*Ego State Relational Units and Resistance to Change, (2006), Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 36, No 1. (EBMA Article).
*Treatment Considerations when working with Pathological Narcissism, (2006), Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 36, No 4.
*Understanding the Psychodynamics of Suicidal Clients: An Exploration of Suicidal and Presuicidal States, (2009), Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 39, No 3.
*The Therapist's Self-Disclosure (2010), www.relationalta.com
*Impasse Clarification within the Transference-Countertransference Matrix, (2011), Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 41, No1. (EBMA Article. This article is available to read on the Supervision & CPD page).
*Countertransference Self-Disclosure, (2011), In Relational Transactional Analysis: Principles in Practice. Eds, H. Fowlie & C. Sills. Karnac.
*Love Made Hungry: The Schizoid Problem, (2012), The Transactional Analyst, Winter 2011/12.
*"El abandono y las autolesiones: la lucha del borderline por la cohesión del self" (2012) Published in "Bonding", The journal of the Insituto Galene, Madrid, September 2012.
*The Inevitability of Unconscious Engagements and the Desire to Avoid Them: A Commentary on Stuthridge, (2012). Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 42, No 4.
*Psychotherapy of an Emerging Impasse: A response to Erskine's "Early Affect-confusion: The “Borderline” Between Despair and Rage", (Feb. 2012). International Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy.
*The New Emerges out of the Old, (2013). Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 43, No 2. (EBMA Article. Please click on the Adobe icon at the foot of this page to read this article).
*Transference-Countertransference Focused Transactional Analysis,(2016), in Transactional Analysis in Contemporary Psychotherapy, Ed, Richard Erskine. Karnac Books.
*The Management of Erotic/Sexual Countertransference Reactions: An Exploration of the Difficulties and Opportunities Involved, (2018). Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 48, No 3.
*I Write to Right Something: One Clinician’s Development of Theory and Therapeutic Action, (2020). Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 50, No 1.
*Boundary Applications and Violations: Clinical Interpretations in a Transference-Countertransference-Focused Psychotherapy, (2020). Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 50, No 3.
*Engaging with the Schizoid Compromise: A Response to Erskine's “Relational Withdrawal, Attunement to Silence: Psychotherapy of the Schizoid Process”, (2020). International Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy, Vol. 11. www.integrative-journal.com/index.php/ijip

*Examination of Primitive Processes and Affects evoked by the trauma of War; Exploring the Therapist and Clients reactions, (2022). Presentation to Ukraine TA Therapists. Part I, April 2022.

*Primitive Processes and Affects Part II: Examination of Primitive Object Relations, Defences and Countertransference, (2022). Presentation to Ukraine TA Therapists. Part II, May 2022.

*Autorrevelacion Contratranseferencial: Una Perspectiva Relacional. (2023). Revista, APPHAT, Spain.                                                                                           

*A response to Berlin and Berlin, (2023). Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol. 53, No 2.

Article available Click on the icon below to read: The New Emerges out of the Old: An Integrated Relational Perspective on Psychological Development, Psychopathology, and Therapeutic Action, by Ray Little, published in Transactional Analysis Journal, (2013) 43(2) 106-121. Available here with the kind permission of the publishers.

Who are the Therapists. The New



Jane Read
Couples & Relationship Psychotherapist, Psychosexual Therapist, Supervisor & Trainer.

Qualifications: B.A. Hons., Dip. Counselling, Dip. Human Sexuality,

Jane is a trained and qualified couple & relationship therapist and sex therapist with over thirty years’ professional experience. She is a senior accredited member of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT), and abides by their codes of ethics and practice. She is also a COSRT accredited supervisor of couples and psychosexual therapists and has published various articles.

Counselling for Fertility Problems: Sage Publications. Counselling in Practice Series. (1995).

Female Sexual Dysfunction: International Review of Psychiatry, (1995). 7, 175-182.
Infertility Counselling: Infertility PGC. Read Healthcare Communications, (1995). 58-60.
Infertility and Psychosexual Issues: Journal of Fertility Counselling, (1995). Vol. 2. No 7, 8-10.
Abortion: The International Encyclopaedia of Human Sexuality, (1996). Section C, Chapter 9.
Counselling and Sexual Dysfunctions: Handbook of Counselling in Britain. Chapter 20. (co-author with Dr G Cooper) Routledge. Revised ed., (1997).
Sexual Problems and Fertility. BICA Practice Guides. BICA Publications, (1997).
Sex in Pregnancy, the Older Woman, and the Infertile Couple.ABC Series - Sexual Medicine. BMJ, (1999).
Sex in Pregnancy, the Older Woman, and the Infertile Couple. 2nd Edition. BMJ, (2004).
Sexual Problems and Fertility. 2nd Edition. BICA Practice Guides. BICA Publications, (2011).


Enderby Psychotherapy and Counselling Associates




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